- operating system has quality class ⇐ (abstract entity is a class), (operating system has quality abstract entity)
- operating system has quality class ⇐ (quality is a class), (operating system has quality quality)
- operating system has quality abstract entity ⇐ (property is a abstract entity), (operating system has quality property)
- operating system has quality abstract entity ⇐ (type is a abstract entity), (operating system has quality type)
- operating system has quality entity ⇐ (type is a entity), (operating system has quality type)
- operating system has quality entity ⇐ (taxonomic rank is a entity), (operating system has quality taxonomic rank)
- Wikidata property related to software is for example operating system ⇐ (operating system is a Wikidata property related to software), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata property related to creative works is for example operating system ⇐ (operating system is a Wikidata property related to creative works), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- operating system is for example Replicant ⇐ (Replicant is a operating system), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- software category is for example operating system ⇐ (operating system is a software category), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- abstract entity is for example operating system ⇐ (operating system is a abstract entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- operating system has quality existence ⇐ (operating system is a Wikidata property related to creative works), (Wikidata property related to creative works has quality existence)
- operating system has quality class ⇐ (operating system is a Wikidata property related to creative works), (Wikidata property related to creative works has quality class)
- operating system has quality type of Wikidata property ⇐ (operating system is a Wikidata property related to creative works), (Wikidata property related to creative works has quality type of Wikidata property)
- operating system has quality type of object ⇐ (operating system is a Wikidata property related to creative works), (Wikidata property related to creative works has quality type of object)
- operating system has quality type ⇐ (operating system is a Wikidata property related to creative works), (Wikidata property related to creative works has quality type)
- operating system has quality property ⇐ (operating system is a software category), (software category has quality property)
- operating system has quality criterion ⇐ (operating system is a software category), (software category has quality criterion)
- operating system has quality quality ⇐ (operating system is a software category), (software category has quality quality)
- operating system has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (operating system is a abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality taxonomic rank)
- operating system has quality superclass ⇐ (operating system is a abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality superclass)
- operating system has quality existence ⇐ (operating system is a abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality existence)
- operating system is a abstract entity ⇐ (software category is subclass of abstract entity), (operating system is a software category)
- Replicant is a operating system ⇐ (mobile operating system is subclass of operating system), (Replicant is a mobile operating system)