- apple has part class ⇐ (entity is a class), (apple has part entity)
- apple has part concept ⇐ (class is a concept), (apple has part class)
- apple has part class ⇐ (type of chemical entity is a class), (apple has part type of chemical entity)
- apple has part abstract entity ⇐ (type of chemical entity is a abstract entity), (apple has part type of chemical entity)
- apple has quality entity ⇐ (object is a entity), (apple has quality object)
- apple has quality object ⇐ (physical phenomenon is subclass of object), (apple has quality physical phenomenon)
- apple has part variable-order class ⇐ (entity is a variable-order class), (apple has part entity)
- apple has part entity ⇐ (type of chemical entity is a entity), (apple has part type of chemical entity)
- apple has quality type of fruit ⇐ (apple is subclass of fruit), (fruit has quality type of fruit)
- apple has part type of chemical entity ⇐ ((R)-amygdalin is a type of chemical entity), (apple has part (R)-amygdalin)
- apple is subclass of fruit ⇐ (apple is subclass of simple fruit), (simple fruit is subclass of fruit), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- apple is subclass of fleshy fruit ⇐ (apple is subclass of pome), (pome is subclass of fleshy fruit), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- apple is subclass of simple fruit ⇐ (apple is subclass of pome), (pome is subclass of simple fruit), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- apple has quality physical phenomenon ⇐ (optical phenomenon is subclass of physical phenomenon), (apple has quality optical phenomenon)
- apple has quality optical phenomenon ⇐ (color is subclass of optical phenomenon), (apple has quality color)