Simon McGillivray Fonds
- archives is for example Simon McGillivray Fonds ⇐ (Simon McGillivray Fonds is a archives), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- group is for example Simon McGillivray Fonds ⇐ (Simon McGillivray Fonds is a group), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Simon McGillivray Fonds is a group ⇐ (archives is subclass of group), (Simon McGillivray Fonds is a archives)
- Simon McGillivray Fonds is a archives ⇐ (fonds is subclass of archives), (Simon McGillivray Fonds is a fonds)
- fonds is for example Simon McGillivray Fonds ⇐ (Simon McGillivray Fonds is a fonds), (is a is inverse of is for example)