- outer ear has part class ⇐ (entity is a class), (outer ear has part entity)
- outer ear is part of head ⇐ (outer ear is part of ear), (ear is part of head), (is part of is a transitive relation)
- outer ear is part of body ⇐ (outer ear is part of ear), (ear is part of body), (is part of is a transitive relation)
- outer ear has part variable-order class ⇐ (entity is a variable-order class), (outer ear has part entity)
- outer ear has part second-order class ⇐ (organism subdivision type is a second-order class), (outer ear has part organism subdivision type)
- outer ear has part entity ⇐ (organism subdivision type is a entity), (outer ear has part organism subdivision type)
- outer ear has part organism subdivision type ⇐ (auricle is a organism subdivision type), (outer ear has part auricle)
- chiral organism subdivision type is for example outer ear ⇐ (outer ear is a chiral organism subdivision type), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- outer ear is subclass of anatomical structure ⇐ (outer ear is subclass of subdivision of cardinal body part), (subdivision of cardinal body part is subclass of anatomical structure), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- outer ear is subclass of subdivision of cardinal body part ⇐ (outer ear is subclass of subdivision of head), (subdivision of head is subclass of subdivision of cardinal body part), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- outer ear is subclass of subdivision of head proper ⇐ (outer ear is subclass of subdivision of auriculotemporal part of head), (subdivision of auriculotemporal part of head is subclass of subdivision of head proper), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- outer ear is subclass of subdivision of head ⇐ (outer ear is subclass of subdivision of auriculotemporal part of head), (subdivision of auriculotemporal part of head is subclass of subdivision of head), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)