- mental state has quality class ⇐ (abstract entity is a class), (mental state has quality abstract entity)
- mental state has quality abstract entity ⇐ (type is a abstract entity), (mental state has quality type)
- military personnel has quality mental state ⇐ (military personnel is subclass of person), (person has quality mental state)
- mental state is for example unbelief ⇐ (unbelief is a mental state), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- atheism is subclass of mental state ⇐ (theism is subclass of mental state), (theism is opposite of atheism)
- unbelief is subclass of mental state ⇐ (belief is subclass of mental state), (belief is opposite of unbelief)
- mental state has quality entity ⇐ (type is a entity), (mental state has quality type)
- atheism has quality mental state ⇐ (unbelief is a mental state), (atheism has quality unbelief)
- atheist has quality mental state ⇐ (unbelief is a mental state), (atheist has quality unbelief)
- mental state has quality type ⇐ (mental state is subclass of object), (object has quality type)
- mental state has quality type of object ⇐ (mental state is subclass of object), (object has quality type of object)
- non-combatant has quality mental state ⇐ (non-combatant is subclass of person), (person has quality mental state)
- unbelief is a mental state ⇐ (faith is a mental state), (faith is opposite of unbelief)
- mental state is for example faith ⇐ (faith is a mental state), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- sibling has quality mental state ⇐ (sibling is subclass of person), (person has quality mental state)
- brother has quality mental state ⇐ (brother is subclass of person), (person has quality mental state)
- mental state has quality existence ⇐ (mental state is subclass of entity), (entity has quality existence)
- blue-collar worker has quality mental state ⇐ (blue-collar worker is subclass of person), (person has quality mental state)
- sister has quality mental state ⇐ (sister is subclass of person), (person has quality mental state)
- condition type is for example mental state ⇐ (mental state is a condition type), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- mental state is subclass of entity ⇐ (mental state is subclass of spatio-temporal entity), (spatio-temporal entity is subclass of entity), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- theism is subclass of mental state ⇐ (theism is subclass of belief), (belief is subclass of mental state), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- agnosticism is subclass of mental state ⇐ (agnosticism is subclass of belief), (belief is subclass of mental state), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- mental state is subclass of occurrent ⇐ (mental state is subclass of occurrence), (occurrence is subclass of occurrent), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- mental state is subclass of object ⇐ (mental state is subclass of occurrence), (occurrence is subclass of object), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- mental state is subclass of spatio-temporal entity ⇐ (mental state is subclass of occurrence), (occurrence is subclass of spatio-temporal entity), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- transport has quality mental state ⇐ (intention is subclass of mental state), (transport has quality intention)
- intentional human activity has quality mental state ⇐ (intention is subclass of mental state), (intentional human activity has quality intention)