- Bloemfontein has quality statistical data ⇐ (urban population is a statistical data), (Bloemfontein has quality urban population)
- city or town is for example Bloemfontein ⇐ (Bloemfontein is a city or town), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Bloemfontein has quality long term ⇐ (Bloemfontein is a city or town), (city or town has quality long term)
- Bloemfontein has quality demographics ⇐ (Bloemfontein is a city or town), (city or town has quality demographics)
- Bloemfontein has quality urban population ⇐ (Bloemfontein is a city or town), (city or town has quality urban population)
- Bloemfontein is a city or town ⇐ (city is subclass of city or town), (Bloemfontein is a city)
- city is for example Bloemfontein ⇐ (Bloemfontein is a city), (is a is inverse of is for example)