- ! ⇐ (infimum is subclass of quality), (infimum has quality quality)
- ! ⇐ (non-scientific worldview has quality type of property), (non-scientific worldview has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (value is subclass of principle), (value is a type of value)
- ! ⇐ (universal law is subclass of principle), (principle has part universal law)
- ! ⇐ (end time is a infimum), (end time is a supremum), (supremum is opposite of infimum)
- ! ⇐ (supremum is subclass of quality), (supremum has quality quality)
- ! ⇐ (interdisciplinary science has quality type of object), (interdisciplinary science has quality type of property), (type of object is opposite of type of property)
- ! ⇐ (start time is a quality), (start time has quality quality)
- ! ⇐ (instrumental value is subclass of value), (instrumental value is a type of value)
- ! ⇐ (start time is a infimum), (start time is a supremum), (supremum is opposite of infimum)
- ! ⇐ (category for school of thought is subclass of type), (category for school of thought has quality type)
- ! ⇐ (gold rouble has quality type of property), (gold rouble has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (inequality is a set), (inequality has quality set)
- ! ⇐ (inequality is a set), (inequality has part set)
- ! ⇐ (start time is subclass of point in time), (start time is a infimum)
- ! ⇐ (type of infrastructure is subclass of type), (type of infrastructure has quality type)
- ! ⇐ (aircraft class is subclass of class), (aircraft class has part class)
- ! ⇐ (work (F1) has quality type of property), (work (F1) has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (currency unit is a intellectual work), (currency unit has quality intellectual work)
- ! ⇐ (physics is subclass of natural science), (physics is a branch of science)
- ! ⇐ (2334 is a complex number), (2334 is a real number), (real number is opposite of complex number)
- ! ⇐ (currency unit is subclass of currency), (currency has quality currency unit)
- ! ⇐ (humanities is a field of study), (humanities has part field of study)
- ! ⇐ (Long Walk to Freedom has quality type of property), (Long Walk to Freedom has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (conservatism is subclass of political ideology), (conservatism has part political ideology)
- ! ⇐ (music release type is subclass of class), (music release type has quality class)
- ! ⇐ (real number is subclass of complex number), (real number is opposite of complex number)
- ! ⇐ (class has part variable-order class), (variable-order class has quality class)
- ! ⇐ (Brussels-Capital Region is a subdivisions of Belgium), (subdivisions of Belgium has part Brussels-Capital Region)
- ! ⇐ (type of interaction is subclass of type), (type of interaction is a metaclass)
- ! ⇐ (AC power socket is subclass of electrical plug), (AC power socket is subclass of electrical receptacle), (electrical receptacle is opposite of electrical plug)
- ! ⇐ (metaclass is subclass of class), (class is a metaclass)
- ! ⇐ (transitive relation is subclass of ->), (transitive relation is a type of Wikidata property)
- ! ⇐ (is for example is subclass of relation of type constraint), (is for example is a relation of type constraint)
- ! ⇐ (gravity instance of fundamental interaction), (gravity has characteristic fundamental interaction)
- ! ⇐ (fundamental interaction has part(s) gravity), (gravity has characteristic fundamental interaction)
- ! ⇐ (astronomical object has characteristic type of property), (astronomical object has characteristic type of object), (type of property opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (gravitational force subclass of force), (gravitational force instance of fundamental interaction)
- ! ⇐ (gravity has characteristic type of object), (gravity has characteristic type of property), (type of object opposite of type of property)
- ! ⇐ (gravitational force subclass of force), (gravitational force instance of physical phenomenon)
- ! ⇐ (gravity instance of fundamental interaction), (fundamental interaction has part(s) gravity)
- ! ⇐ (abstract entity instance of class), (class instance of abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (appellate court subclass of lower court), (lower court subclass of appellate court)
- ! ⇐ (behavior instance of class), (behavior has part(s) class)
- ! ⇐ (uncitedness subclass of citation), (uncitedness instance of Wikibase reason for deprecated rank)
- ! ⇐ (negative real number subclass of complex number), (negative real number subclass of real number), (real number opposite of complex number)
- ! ⇐ (concrete object instance of abstract entity), (concrete object opposite of abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (3 instance of complex number), (3 instance of real number), (real number opposite of complex number)
- ! ⇐ (reformism subclass of social movement), (social movement has part(s) reformism)
- ! ⇐ (imaginary unit instance of complex number), (complex number has part(s) imaginary unit)
- ! ⇐ (non-binary has part(s) androgyne), (androgyne has characteristic non-binary)
- ! ⇐ (gendered subclass of non-binary), (non-binary has characteristic gendered)
- ! ⇐ (abstract entity subclass of class), (class instance of abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (existence has characteristic class), (class has characteristic existence), (has characteristic instance of transitive Wikidata property)
- ! ⇐ (existence instance of class), (class has characteristic existence)
- ! ⇐ (uncitedness subclass of citation), (uncitedness opposite of citation)
- ! ⇐ (discontinuity subclass of property), (discontinuity has characteristic property)
- ! ⇐ (complex unit subclass of complex number), (complex unit has part(s) complex number)
- ! ⇐ (interface has characteristic type of property), (interface has characteristic type of object), (type of property opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (music video instance of type), (music video has characteristic type)
- ! ⇐ (interface has quality type of property), (interface has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (planetary surface has quality type of object), (planetary surface has quality type of property), (type of object is opposite of type of property)
- ! ⇐ (discontinuity is subclass of property), (discontinuity has quality property)
- ! ⇐ (complex unit is subclass of complex number), (complex unit has part complex number)
- ! ⇐ (irreligion has quality type of property), (irreligion has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (music video is a type), (music video has quality type)
- ! ⇐ (uncitedness is subclass of citation), (uncitedness is a Wikibase reason for deprecated rank)
- ! ⇐ (imaginary unit is a complex number), (complex number has part imaginary unit)
- ! ⇐ (uncitedness is subclass of citation), (uncitedness is opposite of citation)
- ! ⇐ (continuity is subclass of property), (continuity has quality property)
- ! ⇐ (president has quality type of property), (president has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (commonality is a quality), (commonality has quality quality)
- ! ⇐ (bibliography is subclass of catalog of works), (bibliography is a literary form)
- ! ⇐ (imaginary unit is a complex unit), (complex unit has part imaginary unit)
- ! ⇐ (existence has quality class), (class has quality existence), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! ⇐ (subclass is subclass of type), (subclass has quality type)
- ! ⇐ (beauty is subclass of entity), (beauty has part entity)
- ! ⇐ (electrical plug has quality type of property), (electrical plug has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (politician is a social position), (politician has quality social position)
- ! ⇐ (commonality is subclass of equality), (commonality is a quality)
- ! ⇐ (negative real number is subclass of complex number), (negative real number is subclass of real number), (real number is opposite of complex number)
- ! ⇐ (3 is a complex number), (3 is a real number), (real number is opposite of complex number)
- ! ⇐ (existence has quality taxonomic rank), (taxonomic rank has quality existence), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! ⇐ (is an element of is subclass of abstract entity), (is an element of has quality abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (irreflexive relation is subclass of entity), (irreflexive relation has part entity)
- ! ⇐ (non-binary has quality type of object), (non-binary has quality type of property), (type of object is opposite of type of property)
- ! ⇐ (top type is a class), (top type has quality class)
- ! ⇐ (behavior is a class), (behavior has part class)
- ! ⇐ (universe is subclass of natural physical object), (universe is a class)
- ! ⇐ (non-negative real number is subclass of complex number), (non-negative real number is subclass of real number), (real number is opposite of complex number)
- ! ⇐ (reformism is subclass of social movement), (social movement has part reformism)
- ! ⇐ (appellate court is subclass of lower court), (lower court is subclass of appellate court), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- ! ⇐ (reflexive relation is subclass of non-reflexive relation), (reflexive relation is opposite of non-reflexive relation)
- ! ⇐ (androgyne is subclass of non-binary), (androgyne has quality non-binary)
- ! ⇐ (work (F1) has quality type of object), (work (F1) has quality type of property), (type of object is opposite of type of property)
- ! ⇐ (class is a class), (class has quality class)
- ! ⇐ (abstract entity is a class), (class is a abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (other is a class), (other has part class)
- ! ⇐ (subclass is subclass of class), (subclass is a role)
- ! ⇐ (Supreme Court of the United States is a lower court), (Supreme Court of the United States is a supreme court), (supreme court is opposite of lower court)
- ! ⇐ (androgyne is subclass of non-binary), (non-binary has part androgyne)
- ! ⇐ (entity is a class), (class has part entity)
- ! ⇐ (non-binary has part androgyne), (androgyne has quality non-binary)
- ! ⇐ (existence is a class), (class has quality existence)
- ! ⇐ (abstract entity is subclass of class), (class is a abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (gendered is subclass of non-binary), (non-binary has quality gendered)
- ! ⇐ (atmospheric optical phenomenon is subclass of optical phenomenon), (optical phenomenon has part atmospheric optical phenomenon)
- ! ⇐ (concrete object is a abstract entity), (concrete object is opposite of abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (form of government is a abstract entity), (form of government has part abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (entity is a class), (class has part entity)
- ! ⇐ (type of infrastructure is subclass of type), (type of infrastructure is a metaclass)
- ! ⇐ (abstract entity is subclass of class), (class is a abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (type is a abstract entity), (abstract entity is a type)
- ! ⇐ (appellate court is subclass of lower court), (lower court is subclass of appellate court)
- ! ⇐ (artistic profession is a abstract entity), (artistic profession has quality abstract entity)
- ! ⇐ (replacing entity is subclass of predecessor), (replacing entity is subclass of successor), (successor is opposite of predecessor)
- ! ⇐ (3 is a negative integer), (3 is a non-negative integer), (non-negative integer is opposite of negative integer)
- ! ⇐ (Long Walk to Freedom has quality type of object), (Long Walk to Freedom has quality type of property), (type of object is opposite of type of property)
- ! ⇐ (group 16 is subclass of chemical element), (group 16 has part chemical element)
- ! ⇐ (atheism is subclass of mental state), (atheism has quality mental state)
- ! ⇐ (inverse proportionality is subclass of proportionality), (inverse proportionality is opposite of proportionality)
- ! ⇐ (arity is a relation), (relation has quality arity)
- ! ⇐ (mathematical property has quality mathematical object), (mathematical object has quality mathematical property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! ⇐ (relation has part concept), (concept has quality relation)
- ! ⇐ (type of property is subclass of class), (class has quality type of property)
- ! ⇐ (phonology is subclass of linguistics), (linguistics has part phonology)
- ! ⇐ (class is a entity), (class has part entity)
- ! ⇐ (commune of France is a type of French administrative division), (type of French administrative division has part commune of France)
- ! ⇐ (metaphor is subclass of trope), (metaphor is a stylistic device)
- ! ⇐ (metaclass is subclass of abstract entity), (abstract entity is a metaclass)
- ! ⇐ (class is a entity), (entity is a class)
- ! ⇐ (World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 1991 is a object), (World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 1991 has quality object)
- ! ⇐ (AC power plug is subclass of electrical receptacle), (AC power plug is subclass of electrical plug), (electrical plug is opposite of electrical receptacle)
- ! ⇐ (George is a female given name), (George is a male given name), (male given name is opposite of female given name)
- ! ⇐ (armament has quality type of property), (armament has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (human behavior is subclass of entity), (human behavior has part entity)
- ! ⇐ (variable-order class is subclass of class), (variable-order class has quality class)
- ! ⇐ (class is a type of object), (type of object has quality class)
- ! ⇐ (class has quality type), (type has quality class), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! ⇐ (geographic location is subclass of geographic entity), (geographic entity has quality geographic location)
- ! ⇐ (mereological relation has part part), (part has quality mereological relation)
- ! ⇐ (taxonomic rank is subclass of abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality taxonomic rank)
- ! ⇐ (radio station is subclass of broadcaster), (broadcaster has part radio station)
- ! ⇐ (concrete object is a class), (concrete object is opposite of class)
- ! ⇐ (1 safe is a UNESCO language status), (UNESCO language status has part 1 safe)
- ! ⇐ (Wikidata property for authority control for academic journals is subclass of Wikidata property for authority control for works), (Wikidata property for authority control for academic journals is a type of Wikidata property)
- ! ⇐ (class is subclass of entity), (entity is a class)
- ! ⇐ (relative quality is a type), (relative quality has quality type)
- ! ⇐ (George is a male given name), (George is a female given name), (female given name is opposite of male given name)
- ! ⇐ (natural object has quality type of property), (natural object has quality type of object), (type of property is opposite of type of object)
- ! ⇐ (class is subclass of entity), (class has part entity)
- ! ⇐ (multivalued function is subclass of mathematical object), (multivalued function has quality mathematical object)
- ! ⇐ (inedible fruit is subclass of fruit), (inedible fruit is opposite of fruit)
- ! ⇐ (criterion is a type), (type has quality criterion)
- ! ⇐ (property has quality type of property), (type of property has quality property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! ⇐ (metaclass is subclass of class), (class is a metaclass)
- ! ⇐ (criterion is a type of property), (type of property has quality criterion)
- ! ⇐ (desirability is subclass of value), (value has quality desirability)
- ! ⇐ (manner of death has part natural causes), (natural causes has quality manner of death)
- ! ⇐ (arity is a mathematical property), (mathematical property has quality arity)
- ! ⇐ (male is a sex of humans), (sex of humans has part male)
- ! ⇐ (number theory is subclass of mathematics), (mathematics has part number theory)
- ! ⇐ (natural causes is a manner of death), (manner of death has part natural causes)
- ! ⇐ (type of food or dish is subclass of class), (type of food or dish is a metaclass)
- ! ⇐ (metaclass is subclass of class), (class is a metaclass)
- ! has part class ⇐ (entity is a class), (! has part entity)
- ! has part class ⇐ (type is a class), (! has part type)
- ! has quality class ⇐ (quality is a class), (! has quality quality)
- ! has quality quality ⇐ (! has quality set), (set has quality quality), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality type ⇐ (! has quality set), (set has quality type), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality property ⇐ (! has quality set), (set has quality property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality criterion ⇐ (! has quality set), (set has quality criterion), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality type of property ⇐ (! has quality set), (set has quality type of property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality class ⇐ (set is a class), (! has quality set)
- ! has quality relation ⇐ (! is subclass of mathematical object), (mathematical object has quality relation)
- ! has quality set ⇐ (! is subclass of mathematical object), (mathematical object has quality set)
- ! has quality mathematical property ⇐ (! is subclass of mathematical object), (mathematical object has quality mathematical property)
- ! has part abstract entity ⇐ (type is a abstract entity), (! has part type)
- ! is subclass of mathematical object ⇐ (tautology is subclass of mathematical object), (tautology is opposite of !)
- ! is subclass of proposition ⇐ (tautology is subclass of proposition), (tautology is opposite of !)
- consensus is subclass of ! ⇐ (disagreement is subclass of !), (disagreement is opposite of consensus)
- ! is subclass of abstract entity ⇐ (tautology is subclass of abstract entity), (tautology is opposite of !)
- ! has quality entity ⇐ (! has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality entity), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality existence ⇐ (! has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality existence), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality superclass ⇐ (! has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality superclass), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (! has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality taxonomic rank), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- ! has quality abstract entity ⇐ (arity is a abstract entity), (! has quality arity)
- ! has quality mathematical object ⇐ (arity is a mathematical object), (! has quality arity)
- ! has quality arity ⇐ (! is subclass of mathematical property), (mathematical property has quality arity)
- ! has quality number of entities ⇐ (! is subclass of mathematical property), (mathematical property has quality number of entities)
- ! has part variable-order class ⇐ (class is a variable-order class), (! has part class)
- ! has part concept ⇐ (metaclass is a concept), (! has part metaclass)
- ! has part metaclass ⇐ (type of relation is a metaclass), (! has part type of relation)
- ! has part class ⇐ (type of relation is a class), (! has part type of relation)
- ! has part entity ⇐ (type is a entity), (! has part type)
- ! has part binary relation ⇐ (! is subclass of mathematical property), (mathematical property has part binary relation)
- ! has part type ⇐ (! is subclass of mathematical property), (mathematical property has part type)
- ! has part type of relation ⇐ (! is subclass of mathematical property), (mathematical property has part type of relation)
- content is for example ! ⇐ (! is a content), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikimedia page is for example ! ⇐ (! is a Wikimedia page), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- wiki page is for example ! ⇐ (! is a wiki page), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- ! is subclass of mathematical property ⇐ (consistency is subclass of mathematical property), (consistency is opposite of !)
- ! is a content ⇐ (Wikimedia page is subclass of content), (! is a Wikimedia page)
- ! is a wiki page ⇐ (Wikimedia page is subclass of wiki page), (! is a Wikimedia page)
- ! is a Wikimedia page ⇐ (Wikibase reason for deprecated rank is subclass of Wikimedia page), (! is a Wikibase reason for deprecated rank)
- Wikimedia internal item is for example ! ⇐ (! is a Wikimedia internal item), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikibase reason for deprecated rank is for example ! ⇐ (! is a Wikibase reason for deprecated rank), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata internal entity is for example ! ⇐ (! is a Wikidata internal entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- ! is opposite of consistency ⇐ consistency is opposite of !
- ! is subclass of entity ⇐ (! is subclass of dyad), (dyad is subclass of entity), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- ! is subclass of collective entity ⇐ (! is subclass of dyad), (dyad is subclass of collective entity), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- ! is a Wikimedia internal item ⇐ (Wikidata internal entity is subclass of Wikimedia internal item), (! is a Wikidata internal entity)
- ! is a Wikidata internal entity ⇐ (Wikibase reason for deprecated rank is subclass of Wikidata internal entity), (! is a Wikibase reason for deprecated rank)