statistical model
- planned language has quality statistical model ⇐ (planned language is subclass of artificial language), (artificial language has quality statistical model)
- Czech has quality statistical model ⇐ (Czech is a language), (language has quality statistical model)
- Welsh has quality statistical model ⇐ (Welsh is a language), (language has quality statistical model)
- English has quality statistical model ⇐ (language model is subclass of statistical model), (English has quality language model)
- natural language has quality statistical model ⇐ (language model is subclass of statistical model), (natural language has quality language model)
- artificial language has quality statistical model ⇐ (language model is subclass of statistical model), (artificial language has quality language model)
- constructed language has quality statistical model ⇐ (language model is subclass of statistical model), (constructed language has quality language model)
- language has quality statistical model ⇐ (language model is subclass of statistical model), (language has quality language model)