- astronomical object has characteristic geographical boundary ⇐ (astronomical object instance of geographic region), (geographic region has characteristic geographical boundary)
- outer space has characteristic geographical boundary ⇐ (outer space instance of geographic region), (geographic region has characteristic geographical boundary)
- Ostfeste has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (Ostfeste is a geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- Europe has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (Europe is a geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- Southern Africa has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (Southern Africa is a geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- Alabama has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (Alabama is a geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- American Samoa has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (American Samoa is a administrative territorial entity of the United States), (administrative territorial entity of the United States has quality geographical boundary)
- ancient Near East has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (ancient Near East is a geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- administrative territorial entity of the United States has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (administrative territorial entity of the United States is subclass of geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- natural region has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (natural region is subclass of geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- human-geographic territorial entity has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (human-geographic territorial entity is subclass of geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- cultural region has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (cultural region is subclass of geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)
- part of the world has quality geographical boundary ⇐ (part of the world is subclass of geographic region), (geographic region has quality geographical boundary)