- light skin has quality class ⇐ (existence is a class), (light skin has quality existence)
- optical phenomenon is for example light skin ⇐ (light skin is a optical phenomenon), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- light skin is a optical phenomenon ⇐ (color is subclass of optical phenomenon), (light skin is a color)
- spatio-temporal entity is for example light skin ⇐ (light skin is a spatio-temporal entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- object is for example light skin ⇐ (light skin is a object), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- entity is for example light skin ⇐ (light skin is a entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- occurrent is for example light skin ⇐ (light skin is a occurrent), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- phenomenon is for example light skin ⇐ (light skin is a phenomenon), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- light skin has quality existence ⇐ (light skin is a occurrent), (occurrent has quality existence)
- light skin has quality observation ⇐ (light skin is a phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality observation)
- light skin is a phenomenon ⇐ (color is subclass of phenomenon), (light skin is a color)
- light skin is a occurrent ⇐ (color is subclass of occurrent), (light skin is a color)
- light skin is a entity ⇐ (spatio-temporal entity is subclass of entity), (light skin is a spatio-temporal entity)
- light skin is a spatio-temporal entity ⇐ (human skin color is subclass of spatio-temporal entity), (light skin is a human skin color)
- light skin is a object ⇐ (human skin color is subclass of object), (light skin is a human skin color)
- human skin color is for example light skin ⇐ (light skin is a human skin color), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- color is for example light skin ⇐ (light skin is a color), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- light skin is a color ⇐ (human skin color is subclass of color), (light skin is a human skin color)
- White British has quality light skin ⇐ (White British is subclass of White people), (White people has quality light skin)