- employer has quality existence ⇐ (employer has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality existence), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality number of entities ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality number of entities)
- employer has quality arity ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality arity)
- employer has quality mathematical property ⇐ (employer has quality mathematical object), (mathematical object has quality mathematical property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality relation ⇐ (employer has quality mathematical object), (mathematical object has quality relation), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality desirability ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality desirability)
- employer has quality point in time ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality point in time)
- employer has quality social science concept ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality social science concept)
- employer has quality value ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality value)
- employer has quality subjective quality ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality subjective quality)
- employer has quality set ⇐ (employer has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality set), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality extension of a concept ⇐ (employer has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality extension of a concept), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality observation ⇐ (employer has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality observation), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality class ⇐ (employer has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality class), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality mathematical object ⇐ (employer has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality mathematical object), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality absence ⇐ (work is subclass of absence), (employer has quality work)
- employer has quality phenomenon ⇐ (work is subclass of phenomenon), (employer has quality work)
- employer has quality life cycle ⇐ (employer is subclass of individual), (individual has quality life cycle)
- employer has quality type of object ⇐ (employer is subclass of individual), (individual has quality type of object)
- employer is subclass of individual ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker is subclass of individual), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality class ⇐ (quality is a class), (employer has quality quality)
- employer has quality physical property ⇐ (employer has quality economic activity), (economic activity has quality physical property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality physico-chemical property ⇐ (employer has quality economic activity), (economic activity has quality physico-chemical property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality duration ⇐ (employer has quality economic activity), (economic activity has quality duration), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality quantity value ⇐ (employer has quality economic activity), (economic activity has quality quantity value), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality physical quantity ⇐ (employer has quality economic activity), (economic activity has quality physical quantity), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality intensity ⇐ (employer has quality economic activity), (economic activity has quality intensity), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality kind of quantity ⇐ (employer has quality economic activity), (economic activity has quality kind of quantity), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality general quantity ⇐ (employer has quality economic activity), (economic activity has quality general quantity), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- employer has quality authority file ⇐ (industry classification is a authority file), (employer has quality industry classification)
- employer has quality abstract entity ⇐ (type is a abstract entity), (employer has quality type)
- employer has quality work ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality work)
- employer has quality industry classification ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality industry classification)
- employer has quality class ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality class)
- employer has quality economic activity ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality economic activity)
- employer has quality controlled vocabulary ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality controlled vocabulary)
- employer has quality existence ⇐ (employer is subclass of worker), (worker has quality existence)
- employer is subclass of worker ⇐ (employee is subclass of worker), (employee is opposite of employer)
- employer has quality entity ⇐ (taxonomic rank is a entity), (employer has quality taxonomic rank)
- employer has quality condition ⇐ (activity is subclass of condition), (employer has quality activity)
- information resource is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a information resource), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- specifically dependent continuant is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a specifically dependent continuant), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- role is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a role), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- realizable entity is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a realizable entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- software resource is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- employer has quality relative quality ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality relative quality)
- employer has quality class ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality class)
- employer has quality type ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality type)
- employer has quality superclass ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality superclass)
- employer has quality property ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality property)
- employer has quality criterion ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality criterion)
- employer has quality quality ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality quality)
- employer has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality taxonomic rank)
- employer has quality type of property ⇐ (employer is a role), (role has quality type of property)
- employer has quality criterion ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality criterion)
- employer has quality class ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality class)
- employer has quality type of property ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality type of property)
- employer has quality type of object ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality type of object)
- employer has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality taxonomic rank)
- employer has quality probability ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality probability)
- employer has quality source type ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality source type)
- employer has quality credibility ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality credibility)
- employer has quality existence ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality existence)
- employer has quality type ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality type)
- employer has quality superclass ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality superclass)
- employer has quality quality ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality quality)
- employer has quality property ⇐ (employer is a software resource), (software resource has quality property)
- employer is a software resource ⇐ (Wikidata property for items about people or organisations is subclass of software resource), (employer is a Wikidata property for items about people or organisations)
- employer is a information resource ⇐ (Wikidata property for items about people is subclass of information resource), (employer is a Wikidata property for items about people)
- employer is a specifically dependent continuant ⇐ (occupation is subclass of specifically dependent continuant), (employer is a occupation)
- employer is a role ⇐ (occupation is subclass of role), (employer is a occupation)
- employer is a realizable entity ⇐ (occupation is subclass of realizable entity), (employer is a occupation)
- employer has quality entity ⇐ (activity is a entity), (employer has quality activity)
- employer has quality concept ⇐ (activity is a concept), (employer has quality activity)
- employer has quality activity ⇐ (employer is subclass of person with an activity), (person with an activity has quality activity)
- occupation is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a occupation), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata property for items about people is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a Wikidata property for items about people), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata property for items about people or organisations is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a Wikidata property for items about people or organisations), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- -> is for example employer ⇐ (employer is a ->), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- employer is subclass of person with an activity ⇐ (employee is subclass of person with an activity), (employee is opposite of employer)
- employer is subclass of person ⇐ (employee is subclass of person), (employee is opposite of employer)
- employer is a Wikidata property for items about people or organisations ⇐ (Wikidata property for items about people is subclass of Wikidata property for items about people or organisations), (employer is a Wikidata property for items about people)
- employer is a occupation ⇐ (employee is a occupation), (employee is opposite of employer)