history of cities
- history of cities is for example history of London ⇐ (history of London is a history of cities), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- history of cities is for example history of Washington, D.C. ⇐ (history of Washington, D.C. is a history of cities), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- aspect of history is for example history of cities ⇐ (history of cities is a aspect of history), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- history of Washington, D.C. is a history of cities ⇐ (history of a city is subclass of history of cities), (history of Washington, D.C. is a history of a city)
- history of London is a history of cities ⇐ (history of a city is subclass of history of cities), (history of London is a history of a city)