- Wikidata editors has part second-order class ⇐ (occupation is a second-order class), (Wikidata editors has part occupation)
- Wikidata editors has part variable-order class ⇐ (entity is a variable-order class), (Wikidata editors has part entity)
- Wikidata editors has part entity ⇐ (occupation is a entity), (Wikidata editors has part occupation)
- Wikidata editors has part role ⇐ (Wikidata editor is a role), (Wikidata editors has part Wikidata editor)
- group or class of physical objects is for example Wikidata editors ⇐ (Wikidata editors is a group or class of physical objects), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata editors is a group or class of physical objects ⇐ (group of humans is subclass of group or class of physical objects), (Wikidata editors is a group of humans)
- Wikidata editors has part occupation ⇐ (Wikidata editor is a occupation), (Wikidata editors has part Wikidata editor)
- group of living things is for example Wikidata editors ⇐ (Wikidata editors is a group of living things), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- group of humans is for example Wikidata editors ⇐ (Wikidata editors is a group of humans), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata editors is a group of living things ⇐ (group of humans is subclass of group of living things), (Wikidata editors is a group of humans)