- water has part class ⇐ (entity is a class), (water has part entity)
- water is part of Q13538519 ⇐ (water is part of food), (food is part of Q13538519), (is part of is a transitive relation)
- water has part variable-order class ⇐ (entity is a variable-order class), (water has part entity)
- water has part fixed-order class ⇐ (second-order class is a fixed-order class), (water has part second-order class)
- water has part entity ⇐ (chemical element is a entity), (water has part chemical element)
- water has part second-order class ⇐ (chemical element is a second-order class), (water has part chemical element)
- water has part chemical element ⇐ (oxygen is a chemical element), (water has part oxygen)
- water has part non-existent substance ⇐ (oxygen is a non-existent substance), (water has part oxygen)
- type of chemical entity is for example water ⇐ (water is a type of chemical entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)