- underground culture has quality property ⇐ (underground culture has quality category for school of thought), (category for school of thought has quality property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality quality ⇐ (underground culture has quality category for school of thought), (category for school of thought has quality quality), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality criterion ⇐ (underground culture has quality category for school of thought), (category for school of thought has quality criterion), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality type of property ⇐ (underground culture has quality category for school of thought), (category for school of thought has quality type of property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality class ⇐ (underground culture has quality category for school of thought), (category for school of thought has quality class), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (underground culture has quality pattern), (pattern has quality taxonomic rank), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality superclass ⇐ (underground culture has quality pattern), (pattern has quality superclass), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality existence ⇐ (underground culture has quality pattern), (pattern has quality existence), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality entity ⇐ (underground culture has quality pattern), (pattern has quality entity), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- underground culture has quality abstract entity ⇐ (type is a abstract entity), (underground culture has quality type)
- underground culture has quality type ⇐ (category for school of thought is subclass of type), (underground culture has quality category for school of thought)
- underground culture has quality pattern ⇐ (cultural universal is subclass of pattern), (underground culture has quality cultural universal)
- underground culture has quality category for school of thought ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of school of thought), (school of thought has quality category for school of thought)
- underground culture has quality cultural universal ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of culture), (culture has quality cultural universal)
- underground culture has part cultural rights ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of culture), (culture has part cultural rights)
- underground culture has part animal behavior ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of pattern of behavior), (pattern of behavior has part animal behavior)
- underground culture has part field of study ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of pattern of behavior), (pattern of behavior has part field of study)
- underground culture has quality superclass ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of pattern of behavior), (pattern of behavior has quality superclass)
- underground culture has quality class ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of pattern of behavior), (pattern of behavior has quality class)
- underground culture has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of pattern of behavior), (pattern of behavior has quality taxonomic rank)
- underground culture has quality existence ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of pattern of behavior), (pattern of behavior has quality existence)
- underground culture has quality entity ⇐ (underground culture is subclass of pattern of behavior), (pattern of behavior has quality entity)
- underground culture is subclass of pattern of behavior ⇐ (mainstream is subclass of pattern of behavior), (mainstream is opposite of underground culture)
- underground culture is subclass of school of thought ⇐ (mainstream is subclass of school of thought), (mainstream is opposite of underground culture)