- White people has quality superclass ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality superclass), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality type of property ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality type of property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality criterion ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality criterion), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality property ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality taxonomic rank), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality class ⇐ (set is a class), (White people has quality set)
- White people has quality class ⇐ (White people has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality class), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality relation ⇐ (White people has quality mathematical object), (mathematical object has quality relation), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality mathematical property ⇐ (White people has quality mathematical object), (mathematical object has quality mathematical property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality superclass ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality superclass), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality type of property ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality type of property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality criterion ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality criterion), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality property ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (White people has quality class), (class has quality taxonomic rank), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality class ⇐ (set is a class), (White people has quality set)
- White people has quality abstract entity ⇐ (psychology concept is a abstract entity), (White people has quality psychology concept)
- White people has quality mathematical object ⇐ (White people has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality mathematical object), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality set ⇐ (White people has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality set), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality class ⇐ (White people has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality class), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality observation ⇐ (White people has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality observation), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality extension of a concept ⇐ (White people has quality phenomenon), (phenomenon has quality extension of a concept), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality philosophical concept ⇐ (phenomenon is a philosophical concept), (White people has quality phenomenon)
- White people has quality occurrent ⇐ (light skin is a occurrent), (White people has quality light skin)
- White people has quality phenomenon ⇐ (light skin is a phenomenon), (White people has quality light skin)
- White people has quality spatio-temporal entity ⇐ (regulation of biological process is a spatio-temporal entity), (White people has quality regulation of biological process)
- White people has quality entity ⇐ (biological process is a entity), (White people has quality biological process)
- White people has quality species distribution ⇐ (White people is subclass of mammal), (mammal has quality species distribution)
- White people has quality behavior ⇐ (White people is subclass of mammal), (mammal has quality behavior)
- White people has quality psychology concept ⇐ (White people is subclass of mammal), (mammal has quality psychology concept)
- process is for example White people ⇐ (White people is a process), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- human social group is for example White people ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- object is for example White people ⇐ (White people is a object), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- spatio-temporal entity is for example White people ⇐ (White people is a spatio-temporal entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- entity is for example White people ⇐ (White people is a entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- White people has quality topic ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (human social group has quality topic)
- White people has quality group behaviour ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (human social group has quality group behaviour)
- White people has quality regulation of biological process ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (human social group has quality regulation of biological process)
- White people has quality field of study ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (human social group has quality field of study)
- White people has quality social behavior ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (human social group has quality social behavior)
- White people has quality animal behavior ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (human social group has quality animal behavior)
- White people has quality biological process ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (human social group has quality biological process)
- White people has quality quality ⇐ (White people is a human social group), (human social group has quality quality)
- White people has quality type ⇐ (White people is a object), (object has quality type)
- White people has quality type of object ⇐ (White people is a object), (object has quality type of object)
- White people has quality point in time ⇐ (White people is a spatio-temporal entity), (spatio-temporal entity has quality point in time)
- White people has quality existence ⇐ (White people is a entity), (entity has quality existence)
- White people is a process ⇐ (human race is subclass of process), (White people is a human race)
- White people is a entity ⇐ (spatio-temporal entity is subclass of entity), (White people is a spatio-temporal entity)
- White people is a spatio-temporal entity ⇐ (human race is subclass of spatio-temporal entity), (White people is a human race)
- White people is a object ⇐ (human race is subclass of object), (White people is a human race)
- White people is a human social group ⇐ (person of color is a human social group), (person of color is opposite of White people)
- human race is for example White people ⇐ (White people is a human race), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- White people is subclass of heterotroph ⇐ (White people is subclass of mammal), (mammal is subclass of heterotroph), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- White people is subclass of animal ⇐ (White people is subclass of mammal), (mammal is subclass of animal), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- White people is subclass of vertebrate ⇐ (White people is subclass of mammal), (mammal is subclass of vertebrate), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- White people is subclass of mammal ⇐ (White people is subclass of human), (human is subclass of mammal), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- White people has quality color in nature ⇐ (human skin color is a color in nature), (White people has quality human skin color)
- White people has quality human skin color ⇐ (light skin is a human skin color), (White people has quality light skin)
- White people has quality full name ⇐ (White people is subclass of human), (human has quality full name)