- anthropology has quality superclass ⇐ (anthropology has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality superclass), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- anthropology has quality class ⇐ (existence is a class), (anthropology has quality existence)
- anthropology has quality entity ⇐ (anthropology has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality entity), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- anthropology has quality existence ⇐ (anthropology has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality existence), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- anthropology has quality superclass ⇐ (anthropology has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality superclass), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- anthropology has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (anthropology has quality abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality taxonomic rank), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- anthropology has quality abstract entity ⇐ (type of award is a abstract entity), (anthropology has quality type of award)
- anthropology has part variable-order class ⇐ (entity is a variable-order class), (anthropology has part entity)
- anthropology has part type of classification ⇐ (knowledge classification is a type of classification), (anthropology has part knowledge classification)
- anthropology has part knowledge classification ⇐ (academic discipline is a knowledge classification), (anthropology has part academic discipline)
- anthropology has part classification scheme ⇐ (branch of pseudoscience is a classification scheme), (anthropology has part branch of pseudoscience)
- anthropology has part entity ⇐ (archaeology is a entity), (anthropology has part archaeology)
- cultural history of the military has part anthropology ⇐ (cultural history of the military is subclass of humanities), (humanities has part anthropology)
- anthropology has part academic discipline ⇐ (archaeology is a academic discipline), (anthropology has part archaeology)
- anthropology has part branch of pseudoscience ⇐ (archaeology is a branch of pseudoscience), (anthropology has part archaeology)
- academic discipline is for example anthropology ⇐ (anthropology is a academic discipline), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- field of study is for example anthropology ⇐ (anthropology is a field of study), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- anthropology is subclass of conceptual system ⇐ (anthropology is subclass of knowledge system), (knowledge system is subclass of conceptual system), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- anthropology is subclass of knowledge system ⇐ (anthropology is subclass of science), (science is subclass of knowledge system), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- anthropology is subclass of science ⇐ (anthropology is subclass of social sciences and humanities), (social sciences and humanities is subclass of science), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- anthropology is subclass of social sciences and humanities ⇐ (anthropology is subclass of social science), (social science is subclass of social sciences and humanities), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- anthropology is a field of study ⇐ (academic discipline is subclass of field of study), (anthropology is a academic discipline)
- anthropology has quality type of award ⇐ (academic award is a type of award), (anthropology has quality academic award)
- anthropology has quality academic award ⇐ (social science award is subclass of academic award), (anthropology has quality social science award)
- anthropology has quality social science award ⇐ (anthropology is subclass of social science), (social science has quality social science award)