Wikidata property related to structures
- type of Wikidata property is for example Wikidata property related to structures ⇐ (Wikidata property related to structures is a type of Wikidata property), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata property related to structures is for example main building contractor ⇐ (main building contractor is a Wikidata property related to structures), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata property related to structures is for example cause of destruction ⇐ (cause of destruction is a Wikidata property related to structures), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata property related to structures is for example occupant ⇐ (occupant is a Wikidata property related to structures), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata property related to structures is for example structural engineer ⇐ (structural engineer is a Wikidata property related to structures), (is a is inverse of is for example)