- national capital has part community ⇐ (national capital is subclass of human settlement), (human settlement has part community)
- former national capital has part community ⇐ (former national capital is subclass of human settlement), (human settlement has part community)
- community has quality class ⇐ (quality is a class), (community has quality quality)
- community has quality occurrent ⇐ (regulation of biological process is a occurrent), (community has quality regulation of biological process)
- community has quality abstract entity ⇐ (type is a abstract entity), (community has quality type)
- capital city has part community ⇐ (capital city is subclass of human settlement), (human settlement has part community)
- community has quality point in time ⇐ (community has quality spatio-temporal entity), (spatio-temporal entity has quality point in time), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- community has quality existence ⇐ (community has quality spatio-temporal entity), (spatio-temporal entity has quality existence), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- community has quality spatio-temporal entity ⇐ (regulation of biological process is a spatio-temporal entity), (community has quality regulation of biological process)
- community has quality entity ⇐ (biological process is a entity), (community has quality biological process)
- community is for example LGBTQ ⇐ (LGBTQ is a community), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- community has quality class ⇐ (type of property is a class), (community has quality type of property)
- community is for example Wikidata community ⇐ (Wikidata community is a community), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- community has quality topic ⇐ (community has quality field of study), (field of study has quality topic), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- community has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (community has quality field of study), (field of study has quality taxonomic rank), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- community has quality quality ⇐ (community has quality field of study), (field of study has quality quality), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- community has quality superclass ⇐ (community has quality field of study), (field of study has quality superclass), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- community has quality type of property ⇐ (community has quality field of study), (field of study has quality type of property), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- community has quality type ⇐ (community has quality field of study), (field of study has quality type), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- community has quality regulation of biological process ⇐ (community has quality biological process), (biological process has quality regulation of biological process), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- country of origin is subclass of community ⇐ (country of origin is subclass of state), (state is subclass of community), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- community has quality field of study ⇐ (animal behavior is a field of study), (community has quality animal behavior)
- community has quality biological process ⇐ (social behavior is a biological process), (community has quality social behavior)
- community has quality animal behavior ⇐ (social behavior is subclass of animal behavior), (community has quality social behavior)
- community has quality social behavior ⇐ (group behaviour is subclass of social behavior), (community has quality group behaviour)
- community has quality group behaviour ⇐ (community is subclass of human social group), (human social group has quality group behaviour)