- Wikibase builtin datatype is part of Wikibase ⇐ (Wikibase builtin datatype is part of Wikibase Repository), (Wikibase Repository is part of Wikibase), (is part of is a transitive relation)
- creative work is for example Wikibase ⇐ (Wikibase is a creative work), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikibase has quality creativity ⇐ (Wikibase is a creative work), (creative work has quality creativity)
- Wikibase is a creative work ⇐ (free software is subclass of creative work), (Wikibase is a free software)
- freely redistributable software is for example Wikibase ⇐ (Wikibase is a freely redistributable software), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- free software is for example Wikibase ⇐ (Wikibase is a free software), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikibase is a freely redistributable software ⇐ (free software is subclass of freely redistributable software), (Wikibase is a free software)