building of public administration
- entity is for example building of public administration ⇐ (building of public administration is a entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- building type is for example building of public administration ⇐ (building of public administration is a building type), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- class is for example building of public administration ⇐ (building of public administration is a class), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- building of public administration is a entity ⇐ (class is subclass of entity), (building of public administration is a class)
- building of public administration is a class ⇐ (building type is subclass of class), (building of public administration is a building type)
- building of public administration is for example American Legation, Tangier ⇐ (American Legation, Tangier is a building of public administration), (is a is inverse of is for example)