- United States House of Representatives has quality class ⇐ (set is a class), (United States House of Representatives has quality set)
- United States House of Representatives is part of Federal Government of the United States ⇐ (United States House of Representatives is part of United States Congress), (United States Congress is part of Federal Government of the United States), (is part of is a transitive relation)
- United States House of Representatives has quality class ⇐ (dependency is a class), (United States House of Representatives has quality dependency)
- United States House of Representatives has quality class ⇐ (set is a class), (United States House of Representatives has quality set)
- United States House of Representatives has quality existence ⇐ (United States House of Representatives has quality entity), (entity has quality existence), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- United States House of Representatives has quality entity ⇐ (proportionality is a entity), (United States House of Representatives has quality proportionality)
- United States House of Representatives has quality abstract entity ⇐ (proportionality is subclass of abstract entity), (United States House of Representatives has quality proportionality)
- United States House of Representatives has quality mathematical property ⇐ (proportionality is a mathematical property), (United States House of Representatives has quality proportionality)
- senate is for example United States House of Representatives ⇐ (United States House of Representatives is a senate), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- house of representatives is for example United States House of Representatives ⇐ (United States House of Representatives is a house of representatives), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- United States House of Representatives has quality class ⇐ (United States House of Representatives has quality philosophical concept), (philosophical concept has quality class), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- United States House of Representatives has quality set ⇐ (United States House of Representatives has quality philosophical concept), (philosophical concept has quality set), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- United States House of Representatives has quality mathematical object ⇐ (United States House of Representatives has quality philosophical concept), (philosophical concept has quality mathematical object), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- United States House of Representatives has quality extension of a concept ⇐ (United States House of Representatives has quality philosophical concept), (philosophical concept has quality extension of a concept), (has quality is a transitive relation)
- United States House of Representatives has quality philosophical concept ⇐ (dependency is a philosophical concept), (United States House of Representatives has quality dependency)
- United States House of Representatives has quality relation ⇐ (dependency is subclass of relation), (United States House of Representatives has quality dependency)
- United States House of Representatives has quality dependency ⇐ (proportionality is subclass of dependency), (United States House of Representatives has quality proportionality)
- United States House of Representatives is a senate ⇐ (United States Senate is a senate), (United States Senate is opposite of United States House of Representatives)