- Wikibase builtin datatype is part of Wikibase ⇐ (Wikibase builtin datatype is part of Wikibase Repository), (Wikibase Repository is part of Wikibase), (is part of is a transitive relation)
- Wikibase builtin datatype is for example Wikibase item datatype ⇐ (Wikibase item datatype is a Wikibase builtin datatype), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikibase builtin datatype is for example CommonsMedia ⇐ (CommonsMedia is a Wikibase builtin datatype), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikibase builtin datatype is subclass of entity ⇐ (Wikibase builtin datatype is subclass of data model element), (data model element is subclass of entity), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- Wikibase builtin datatype is subclass of data model element ⇐ (Wikibase builtin datatype is subclass of Wikibase datatype), (Wikibase datatype is subclass of data model element), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- Wikibase builtin datatype is subclass of abstract entity ⇐ (Wikibase builtin datatype is subclass of Wikibase datatype), (Wikibase datatype is subclass of abstract entity), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- Wikibase builtin datatype is subclass of Wikibase data model element ⇐ (Wikibase builtin datatype is subclass of Wikibase datatype), (Wikibase datatype is subclass of Wikibase data model element), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)