- United States Congress location Southeast ⇐ (United States Congress location Capitol Hill), (Capitol Hill location Southeast), (location is a transitive relation)
- member of the United States House of Representatives is part of United States Congress ⇐ (member of the United States House of Representatives is part of United States House of Representatives), (United States House of Representatives is part of United States Congress), (is part of is a transitive relation)
- United States Congress has part house of representatives ⇐ (United States House of Representatives is a house of representatives), (United States Congress has part United States House of Representatives)
- bicameral legislature is for example United States Congress ⇐ (United States Congress is a bicameral legislature), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- dyad is for example United States Congress ⇐ (United States Congress is a dyad), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- United States Congress location Capitol Hill ⇐ (United States Congress location United States Capitol), (United States Capitol location Capitol Hill), (location is a transitive relation)
- United States Congress is a dyad ⇐ (bicameral legislature is subclass of dyad), (United States Congress is a bicameral legislature)
- United States Congress has part senate ⇐ (United States House of Representatives is a senate), (United States Congress has part United States House of Representatives)