Ḳazaḳstan ŭlttyḳ ėnciklopedija
- tertiary source is for example Ḳazaḳstan ŭlttyḳ ėnciklopedija ⇐ (Ḳazaḳstan ŭlttyḳ ėnciklopedija is a tertiary source), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- reference work is for example Ḳazaḳstan ŭlttyḳ ėnciklopedija ⇐ (Ḳazaḳstan ŭlttyḳ ėnciklopedija is a reference work), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Ḳazaḳstan ŭlttyḳ ėnciklopedija is a tertiary source ⇐ (reference work is subclass of tertiary source), (Ḳazaḳstan ŭlttyḳ ėnciklopedija is a reference work)