- science has part type of world view ⇐ (scientific worldview is a type of world view), (science has part scientific worldview)
- interdisciplinary science has part type of world view ⇐ (scientific worldview is a type of world view), (interdisciplinary science has part scientific worldview)
- scientific worldview has quality type of world view ⇐ (scientific worldview is subclass of world view), (world view has quality type of world view)
- non-scientific worldview has quality type of world view ⇐ (non-scientific worldview is subclass of world view), (world view has quality type of world view)
- type of world view is for example non-scientific worldview ⇐ (non-scientific worldview is a type of world view), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view is for example scientific worldview ⇐ (scientific worldview is a type of world view), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- non-scientific worldview is a type of world view ⇐ (scientific worldview is a type of world view), (scientific worldview is opposite of non-scientific worldview)
- type of world view has quality class ⇐ (existence is a class), (type of world view has quality existence)
- class is for example type of world view ⇐ (type of world view is a class), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view is a class ⇐ (abstract entity is subclass of class), (type of world view is a abstract entity)
- abstract entity is for example type of world view ⇐ (type of world view is a abstract entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view has quality entity ⇐ (type of world view is a abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality entity)
- type of world view has quality superclass ⇐ (type of world view is a abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality superclass)
- type of world view has quality taxonomic rank ⇐ (type of world view is a abstract entity), (abstract entity has quality taxonomic rank)
- type of world view is a abstract entity ⇐ (metaclass is subclass of abstract entity), (type of world view is a metaclass)
- entity is for example type of world view ⇐ (type of world view is a entity), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- religion has quality type of world view ⇐ (religion is a world view), (world view has quality type of world view)
- type of world view has quality existence ⇐ (type of world view is a entity), (entity has quality existence)
- type of world view is a entity ⇐ (metaclass is subclass of entity), (type of world view is a metaclass)
- anti-nationalism has quality type of world view ⇐ (anti-nationalism is subclass of world view), (world view has quality type of world view)
- type of world view is for example religion ⇐ (religion is a type of world view), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view is for example social movement ⇐ (social movement is a type of world view), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- metaclass is for example type of world view ⇐ (type of world view is a metaclass), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view is for example antireligion ⇐ (antireligion is a type of world view), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view is for example political movement ⇐ (political movement is a type of world view), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view is for example philosophical movement ⇐ (philosophical movement is a type of world view), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view is for example political ideology ⇐ (political ideology is a type of world view), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- type of world view is subclass of entity ⇐ (type of world view is subclass of type), (type is subclass of entity), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- type of world view is subclass of abstract entity ⇐ (type of world view is subclass of type), (type is subclass of abstract entity), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- type of world view is subclass of class ⇐ (type of world view is subclass of type), (type is subclass of class), (is subclass of is a transitive relation)
- African nationalism has quality type of world view ⇐ (social movement is a type of world view), (African nationalism has quality social movement)
- nationalism has quality type of world view ⇐ (social movement is a type of world view), (nationalism has quality social movement)
- antireligion is a type of world view ⇐ (religion is a type of world view), (religion is opposite of antireligion)