Arlington County
- administrative territorial entity of a state of the United States is for example Arlington County ⇐ (Arlington County is a administrative territorial entity of a state of the United States), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Arlington County is a administrative territorial entity of a state of the United States ⇐ (county of the United States is subclass of administrative territorial entity of a state of the United States), (Arlington County is a county of the United States)
- county of the United States is for example Arlington County ⇐ (Arlington County is a county of the United States), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Arlington County is a county of the United States ⇐ (county of Virginia is subclass of county of the United States), (Arlington County is a county of Virginia)
- county of Virginia is for example Arlington County ⇐ (Arlington County is a county of Virginia), (is a is inverse of is for example)