category for films in this language
- category for films in this language has quality property constraint ⇐ (complex constraint value label is subclass of property constraint), (category for films in this language has quality complex constraint value label)
- Wikibase property is for example category for films in this language ⇐ (category for films in this language is a Wikibase property), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- -> is for example category for films in this language ⇐ (category for films in this language is a ->), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- Wikidata property for items about films is for example category for films in this language ⇐ (category for films in this language is a Wikidata property for items about films), (is a is inverse of is for example)
- category for films in this language is a Wikibase property ⇐ (-> is subclass of Wikibase property), (category for films in this language is a ->)
- category for films in this language has quality complex constraint ⇐ (complex constraint value label is subclass of complex constraint), (category for films in this language has quality complex constraint value label)